
26.8.1867 - 6.4.1968 Commission of Enquiry

Simon Soon

The riots stretched for ten days and affected various parts of Georgetown as well as outlying areas such as Jelutong, Tanjong Tokong, Balik Pulau, Sungai Nibong and Batu Lancang. The riots came to an end after Anson negotiated a peace agreement with the contending parties. As part of the peace deal, all the societies involved agreed to surrender their arms and to pay compensation to the government. 

The report of the Commission of Enquiry concludes:  'That the organisation and discipline of the Societiesappear to be as complete as that of any disciplined force of the Government... A notable circumstance,and one which has rendered these Societies more harmful of late, is, the combination of the Mussulmans and Hindoos with the Chinese,with whose customs their religious prejudices are so much at variance.”

A newspaper report in The London and China Telegraph reads: The Commissioners appear to think it would be dangerous to attempt the entire repression of these. Societies,as such a measure might lead to more secretand still more dangerous combinations. But they recommend a more complete system of registration, with strict supervision, and heavy penalties, rigorously enforced, for all breaches of the regulations. The Report is issued in London by Mr. G. Street, 30, Cornhill.

The report also recommended that all Societies, of whatever nature, should be registered (under penalty) at the Office of the Commissioner of Police. Also, that a member of a Society, forcing on any individual, a rule of his Society, which is contrary to Law, should be liable to a heavy penalty. It also calls for the ban on processions ad confine ceremonies to the grounds of such societies to prevent opportunitie of collision between rival societies. 

Penang Riots Report. 1867. Commissioners under the Penang Riots Enquiry Act of 1867 stting in the Office of the Public Works Department, George Town, Penang. 

'1869. The Penang Riots' The London and China Telegraph April 19, 184. 

E. A. H. Anson. 1920. About Others and Myself, 1745-1920 , London: John Murray, 283.

