Simon Soon
Masjid Pintal Tali was the headquarters of the Jema'ah Bendera Putih. Allies of the Ghee Hin Society. The society is headed by Tuan Chee, who lives on Lorong Takia (Ah Quee St).
According to the Penang Riots Report, the White Flag society was established around 1855-6. It further states that the White Flag established an alliance with the Ghee Hin in 1865 on the account of White Flag leader and about thirty other members join the Ghee Hin.
A witness testament in 1867 suggests that 'the White Flag Society was established before I was born. I am 34 years of age. I cannot say why the White Flag was formed into a Kongsi'.'
This suggests that the organisation could've existed in a different form earlier. The report further states that the object of the society is in case of death, the members are to go and assist each other. This is however no longer carried out, discontinued at the time of the Riots. The quarrel began after the Muharram. During Muharram the White Flag goes on one side, when they meet the Red Flag, a fight would ensue, like Hassan and Hussain parties.
The membership fee in 1925 was recorded as $3.25. The membership card (Stirling calls it a 'diploma') of the White Flag Society was aan oblong piece of yellow silk with a diamond on one side round which was written the oath of secrecy: on the other side appeared the name of the member. Members of the White Flag Society on shaking hands pressed the point of the forefinger slightly into the palm of the other man's hand and withdrew it sharply.
The White Flag included leading citizens such as Tuan Chee @ Sheikh Omar @ Omar Abdul Rasul, Mohamed Kader Houssain @ Pah Etam, Shamoo, Saiboo (a school master), Che Abdul Karim, Tunku Mat (a collector of assessment), Mohamed Amin from Ayer Itam, Hadjee Daoud,
Che Omar and Mohamed Ibrahim. These leaders were ably assisted by the White Flag district leaders from Chulia Street, Simpang Ampat, Hutton Lane, Macalister Road, Jalan Bahru, Pulau Tikus, Klawei and Tanjong Tokong.
Penang Riots Report. 1867. Commissioners under the Penang Riots Enquiry Act of 1867 stting in the Office of the Public Works Department, George Town, Penang, 204-5.
W.G. Stirling. 1925. 'The Red and White Flags Soceities' Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, April 3:1, 57-61.
Mahani Musa. 1999. 'Malays and the Red and White Flag Socieities in Penang, 1830s-1920s' Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 72: 2, 151-182.