
2 July, 1867: Rambutan Skin Affair

Simon Soon

Drawing of a rambutan plant.

A Toh Peh Kong member, Soh Wee, was looking through the palings bounding the premise of a White Flag Malay in Pitt St. The Malay threw a rambutan skin at the Chinese man and called him a thief. The latter retreated but soon returned with 10-12 Toh Peh Kong friends. The Malay was backed up by his friends,  a fight ith stones and clubs ensued. The White Flag members drove the Toh Peh Kong back to their Kongsi house, where stones thrown by White Flag members struck the signboard of the Kongsi. The Toh Peh Kong then retaliated and fire-arms are said to have been used. The police interfered and quelled the conflict for the time.

The Penang Riots Reports 1867: Report of the Commissioners Appointed Under Act XXI of 1867, to Enquire into The Penang Riots [PCRC]. Penang: Argus Press 1868. PRO CO 273 /21, Appendix, 8.

Rambutan, William Farquhar Collection of Natural History Drawings, early 19th century, Malacca, 54.2 x 37.8cm, National Museum of Singapore

