
1941: Triad and Tabut

Simon Soon

Deputy Inspector General, Straits Settlements Police Force, Mervyn Llewellyn Wynne (c.1891 - 1942),  publishes Triad and Tabut:  A Survey of the Origin and diffusion of Chinese and Mohamedan Secret Societies in the Malay Penisula A.D. 1800-1935. The book offers an in-depth historical account of the alliance-making conspiracies between the Chinese and Islamic secret societies. It drew on many historical records that have been lost during the Second World War with the destruction of the intelligence documents. These intelligences were patiently gathered under the leadership of Mervyn. While he was rising through the police ranks, it is said that Mervyn was the founding head of the colonial government's intelligence department. No other efforts to explicate and expound on the Boria, will match Mervyn's undertaking until 1976. Mervyn died in an internment camp at Plaedjoe Sumatra in 1942, during the Japanese occupation of Southeast Asia. 

Mervyn Llewellyn Wynne. 1941. Triad and Tabut: A Survey of the Origin and diffusion of Chinese and Mohamedan Secret Societies in the Malay Penisula A.D. 1800-1935. Singapore, Government Printing Office

