
1974: Seminar Boria

Simon Soon

In April 1974, the state cultural department sponsored and organised a two-day seminar on boria at Batu Uban, Penang. Three papers were presented: Boria dahulu, (Boria in the past), Boria Sekarang (Boria today), and Boria akan datang (Future of Boria).

1974. Seminar Boria, Batu Uban, Penang, 27-28 April 1974. Unpublished manuscript. Penang State Department of Culture. The three papers were Abas Marican,’Boria Dahulu [Boria of the past]’, Mohd Habib Syed Ahmad, ‘Boria Sekarang [Boria today]’, and Shukri Ismail, ‘Boria Akan Datang [Boria of the Future]’.